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Exploring Our Edge

In today’s world of Yoga, exploring our edge is something heard often – but what exactly does that mean? It involves leaving that much loved zone of comfort in order to find real area for growth, having the bravery to peer into into the uncertainty of not knowing yet wanting to discover, whilst testing the limits.

In the legendary ancient Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, Sutra 2.46 mentions Sthira Sukham Asanam’, ‘Sthira’ meaning unwavering/stability and ‘Sukham’ being comfortable/sweetness. In regards to postures and edge exploration, this can be seen as applying a subtle effort to find that sweet spot right between the ease and the challenge. (On a cliff edge, you would have the perfect view of below without being blown off the top).

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Gratitude: A Way of Life

The majority of cultures around the world live their life through thanks – really taking the time, energy and enjoyment for the acknowledgement of this blessing of life. It seems we’ve lost our way somewhat. I learnt recently that the Hawaiian saying of Ho’oponono ‘I’m sorry; Please forgive me; Thank you; I love you’, used to only be ‘Thank you, I love you’, before we began destroying our home, this Earth. Giving thanks is natural and indeed needed. We as Westerners can probably most likely relate this to prayers before eating, perhaps in a religious concept, which it need not be. Simply to remember with true respect allows us to keep it all sacred.

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Discovering Kleshas

Kleshas are something I’ve known of my whole life, but had never put a name to. Basically, they’re all the pesky things holding you back. Or more literally, ‘poisons’. They come under five main titles: avidya (ignorance), asmita (ego), raga (attachment), dvesha (avoidance) and abhinivesha (fear). From a Yogic perspective these are seen as the root cause of all suffering.

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Call To Peru

There is a certain kind of magic that I experience when I am in Peru that is hard to express in words. In the weaving of majestic landscapes, humble people, its’ culture, ancient history and mystical treasures, transports me to a place where I feel like everything vibrates and shines a bit more brightly. A place where I feel like the veil between this world and the spirit world is at it’s thinnest. A place where I feel more vitally alive…

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How to Transform Yourself into a Well-Being

Emotional self-regulation refers to the ability to manage disruptive emotions and impulses in a way that is consistent with our deeply held values. When our nervous systems are on overdrive our immune systems are stressed as a result. It’s all connected, even when we feel disconnected.

Learn more about the practice of self-regulation as a self-care strategy to self mastery.

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New Moon Magic : Meditation & Intention setting

The moon is earth’s oldest temple, she is deeply connected to the tides of our waters. They cycles of the moon holds much magic that can guide us in our day to day.  New moons are especially known for their relationship to new beginnings.

This Thursday July 12th will be a new moon in the sign of cancer; there is also a partial solar eclipse at the same time.

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