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Menstrual Cycles and the Moon Phases

The concept of women’s menstrual cycles aligning with different phases of the moon is nothing new,, this belief stems from ancient wisdom and cultural traditions that view the synchronization of menstrual cycles with moon phases as spiritually and physically significant.


When your menstrual cycle aligns with a specific phase of the moon, it carries unique meanings and significance, each offering insights into your physical and emotional rhythms.


While these associations are not scientifically proven and vary among individuals, they provide a rich framework for understanding and connecting with one’s body and the environment in a holistic and meaningful way. It can be quite fascinating when you’re menstrual cycle aligns with a moon phase to dive a little deeper into the energies present. If your cycle does not align with one of these phases, know that is ok as well and you can feel into which phase resonates to most.



White Moon Cycle (New Moon)


  1. Fertility: The new moon is traditionally associated with new beginnings and potential, which is mirrored in higher fertility during this phase.

  2. Introspection: This phase encourages deeper personal reflection and inward focus.

  3. Maturity and Creativity: It’s a time for nurturing creative projects and consolidating energy, similar to the ‘nesting’ instinct.

  4. Symbolism: Aligning menstruation with the new moon was traditionally seen as a sign of optimum fertility and alignment with the earth’s natural rhythms, making it a time for self-renewal and new beginnings.

Red Moon Cycle (Full Moon)


  1. Passion and Sensuality: The full moon is often associated with heightened emotions and energies, reflecting in increased passion and sensuality.

  2. Outgoing Energy: There’s a surge in extroversion, where engaging socially and expressing oneself feels more natural.

  3. Spiritual and Magical Connection: The full moon is traditionally linked to magic and esoteric activities, amplifying a woman’s connection to the spiritual realm during this phase.

  4. Symbolism: Historically, menstruating with the full moon was associated with healers, wisdom-keepers, and magic practitioners, who aligned their external creative energies with the peak of the moon’s power.

Pink Moon Cycle (Waxing Moon)

  1. Material Transition: As the moon waxes, it symbolizes growth and buildup, mirroring a time of material and personal assessment and decision-making.

  2. Balance and Discovery: This phase is about exploring desires, ambitions, and personal identity, often prompting life adjustments and reflections on future goals.

  3. Symbolism: This is a period of gathering internal resources and energy, preparing for the actions and transformations that align with one’s aspirations.

Purple Moon Cycle (Waning Moon)

  1. Spiritual Transition: The waning moon represents a period of letting go, which in this context, relates to shedding past burdens and clearing spiritual space.

  2. Introspection and Connection: It’s a time for deeper spiritual introspection and connecting more profoundly with both the natural and supernatural worlds.

  3. Symbolism: This cycle phase supports internal work, healing, and preparation for the rebirth that comes with the new moon, emphasizing spiritual growth and understanding.

Which moon cycle are you in sync or closest with right now? Understanding these alignments can offer insightful perspectives into how natural rhythms potentially influence emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.

Historically, menstruating with the full moon was associated with healers, wisdom-keepers, and magic practitioners, who aligned their external creative energies with the peak of the moon’s power.

Pink Moon Cycle (Waxing Moon)

  1. Material Transition: As the moon waxes, it symbolizes growth and buildup, mirroring a time of material and personal assessment and decision-making.

  2. Balance and Discovery: This phase is about exploring desires, ambitions, and personal identity, often prompting life adjustments and reflections on future goals.

  3. Symbolism: This is a period of gathering internal resources and energy, preparing for the actions and transformations that align with one’s aspirations.

Purple Moon Cycle (Waning Moon)

  1. Spiritual Transition: The waning moon represents a period of letting go, which in this context, relates to shedding past burdens and clearing spiritual space.

  2. Introspection and Connection: It’s a time for deeper spiritual introspection and connecting more profoundly with both the natural and supernatural worlds.

  3. Symbolism: This cycle phase supports internal work, healing, and preparation for the rebirth that comes with the new moon, emphasizing spiritual growth and understanding.

Which moon cycle are you in sync or closest with right now? Understanding these alignments can offer insightful perspectives into how natural rhythms potentially influence emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being.