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Staying Open: Embracing Feedback and Continuous Learning

Igniting a Cycle of Growth and Inspiration: The Role of Feedback and Ongoing Education in the Journey of a Yoga Teacher


Embarking on the path of a yoga teacher is often driven by a passion for personal practice and a desire to share that passion with others. However, the journey doesn’t end once you’ve earned your certification; it evolves and deepens through continuous learning and the rich insights gained from feedback. This blog explores how feedback and ongoing education are pivotal in fostering a cycle of growth and inspiration for yoga teachers.


Embracing Feedback: The Mirror to Our Teaching Soul


Feedback is an invaluable tool in the yoga teaching journey. It acts as a mirror, reflecting not only our strengths but also areas where we can enhance our teaching methods. Early in my career, I learned to see feedback not as criticism but as a gift that spurred my growth and allowed me to serve my students better.


Constructive Criticism


After each class, I started asking for feedback—what worked for the students and what didn’t. This could be as simple as adjusting the room’s lighting and temperature or as intricate as the pace of the class or the clarity of my instructions. I learned that each piece of feedback is a stepping stone to refining my approach and deepening my impact.


Peer Observations


Engaging with fellow yoga teachers and inviting them to attend and critique my classes was another growth catalyst. Their insights, often from years of experience, helped me view my teaching style from a new perspective and inspired me to experiment with new techniques and approaches.


Ongoing Education: Fueling the Flame of Passion and Knowledge


Yoga is a dynamic practice with ancient roots, constantly enriched by new research and interpretations. Ongoing education is crucial for yoga teachers to keep their practice and teachings vibrant and relevant.


Continuing Yoga Education


Participating in workshops, advanced courses, and even returning to foundational courses has been essential. These opportunities not only refresh your knowledge but also expose you to the latest advancements and varied styles of yoga, which you can then bring back to your own classes.


Cross-disciplinary Learning


Incorporating knowledge from related fields such as anatomy, psychology, and even philosophy can profoundly enrich your teaching and provide a more holistic approach to your students. For instance, understanding the biomechanics of the human body can transform how you instruct and adjust poses, making your classes safer and more effective.


Digital Learning Platforms


The rise of online learning platforms has made accessing yoga education more accessible than ever. From online courses to webinars and live streams with renowned teachers globally, these resources can be an excellent way for yoga teachers to continue their education and stay inspired without having to travel.


The Cycle of Inspiration


Every piece of feedback and every educational experience not only contributes to our growth as teachers but also enhances our capacity to inspire our students. It creates a feedback loop; as we grow and evolve, our students benefit directly from our expanded knowledge and rejuvenated passion, which in turn motivates them to deepen their practice.


Moreover, our journey of continuous improvement and openness to learning shows our students that yoga is not just a physical practice but a lifelong journey of learning. It encourages them to remain students themselves, always curious and open to deepening their understanding of yoga.



The roles of feedback and ongoing education in a yoga teacher’s journey are both transformative and vital. They are not merely tools for personal and professional development but are also essential for maintaining the integrity and depth of the teaching practice. Embracing these elements can turn the path of teaching yoga into an ever-evolving journey of growth, inspiration, and joy.


This is not just the path of a teacher but the path of a lifelong learner.