Lamaze International is a non-profit organization whose aim is to help expecting mothers achieve the best possible childbirth experience by servicing as an advocate for their rights during labor and delivery. Additionally, they provide training programs leading to certifications that teach practitioners different methods of educating women about pregnancy, particularly natural birthing techniques (breastfeeding, nutrition advice for parents with newborn babies and more).
Lamaze is an approach to childbirth that relies upon education about various methods for managing labor pain and understanding the importance of breathwork during this particular time. Prana, or life-force energy, plays a major role in writing deliveries since creating the proper environment can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation throughout the physical process. Additionally, full-body posture positions are supportive forms of relief from contractions that be used along with breathing exercises too!
By receiving a Lamaze Certification, you are able to present reality-based information to help parents navigate peacefully thru the major transition into parenthood!
Join us for our Online 50 HR Holistic Birth Educator Course for dual certification to quality for a Lamaze certification plus Yoga Alliance Continuing Education. We offer this twice a year… check our here for the upcoming dates!